Jimmy Ioannou is a past Chairman of the W.F.S.A. (Waterproofing Federation of South Africa) and has been directly involved in the field of waterproofing and roof treatment for over 34 years.
From manufacturing to installation both local and international experience.
International and locally recognized certification of approval confirming that J.I.A. Consultants (Waterproofing Consultants) are leaders in this field. From turnkey projects, project management to a single roof report, we offer the total professional solution.
We ensure a guaranteable long term solution for all your waterproofing and roof treatment problems.
We ensure correct specifications that are installed correctly with all the back up guarantee’s and warranty’s.
We often see roofs that have been re-waterproofed time and time again. This is what we prevent. All too often the client claims that the company that laid up the waterproofing cannot be located. Often this is due to the lack of effective record keeping.
With large corporate companies unfortunately building managers and portfolio managers move on and leave behind no records of the buildings whatsoever. When leaks do occur? You know the result. This is totally preventable. We also keep records and obviously all the correspondence.